Customer Service Counter photo 客戶服務櫃檯照片
Orange Border photo 橘色邊框照片

What we have is

more than what you expect

EDICO's service motto, "Your Choice, Our Pride" defines our priority to serve with the best.

We are prepared to meet the highest specification by any local and international clients,

drawing on our expertise and experience.

EDICO website front page photo 鉅京網站首頁照片
Orange Border photo 橘色邊框照片

However your expectation,

we have more in store

EDICO's service motto, "Your Choice, Our Pride" defines our priority to serve with the best.

We are prepared to meet the higest specification by any local and international clients,

drawing on our expertise and experience.

EDICO website Lounge photo 鉅京網站 休息室相片
Orange Border photo 橘色邊框照片

Professional sales team in EDICO has

the best-fit solution to meet the customers’ needs.

EDICO's service motto, "Your Choice, Our Pride" defines our priority to serve with the best.

We are prepared to meet the higest specification by any local and international clients,

drawing on our expertise and experience.

EDICO website meeting boof photo 鉅京網站會議前台照片
Orange Border photo 橘色邊框照片

EDICO’s Creative and Graphic Team defines

what is competence: constant pillar of pride and praise.

EDICO's service motto, "Your Choice, Our Pride" defines our priority to serve with the best.

We are prepared to meet the higest specification by any local and international clients,

drawing on our expertise and experience.

Customer Service Counter photo 客戶服務櫃檯照片
EDICO website front page photo 鉅京網站首頁照片
EDICO website Lounge photo 鉅京網站 休息室相片
EDICO website meeting boof photo 鉅京網站會議前台照片
Corporate Sales icon 企業銷售圖標

Corporate Sales & Services

Creative & Graphic icon 創意與圖形圖標

Creative & Graphic

Project Management icon 客戶管理圖標

Project Management

Composition icon 排版部圖標


Translation icon 翻譯圖標


Printing icon 印刷圖標

Print Binding

About Us

EDICO has its origin from Latin, meaning “to declare” or “to announce”. We are inspired by our founding edict, which makes the benchmark against what we do. In EDICO, we serve both listed companies an non-listed companies, including those processing their IPOs, soon to be listed on Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (“HKEX”), and other financial institutions.



Video Clips

Contact Us

8/F Wheelock House,
20 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong

+852 2110 2233